Product Care

Rawfor signature Mjolnir


It occasionally is a surprise to some people that after a few uses rust starts to form. It takes a bit of work to keep raw mild steel products shiny. Polished raw mild steel is my favorite type finish for my steel maces and war hammers. I like it because its looks majestic and raw as a finish and is not too difficult to maintain and bring back to shine if it does get rusty. Rust is an oxidation layer caused by a reaction between the steel, moisture and oxygen. If you live in a humid part of the world your raw steel product will need to be maintained more than someone whole lives in a dry area. Unless they use it a lot. Moisture from your hands transfers to the raw steel during use. A sweaty session will leave the steel with a layer of moisture and salt which makes the corrosion more aggressive.


Tool oil or wax are my go to.

Luckily it is really easy to keep your mace clear of rust. All you need is to incorporate a cleaning routine into your training schedule. I like to think of a steel mace or war hammer as more than just a piece of training equipment. They are my teachers and my allies in strength and fortitude. I was taught to bond with my tools by keeping them clean and sharp.When you oil your mace or hammer after you use it and preserve its shine you build a relationship with it. If it gets rusty and you clean it with a piece of 60/80 grit sand paper you will feel a sense of satisfaction, again bonding with your tool.

I hope this helps. If you would like any more information please feel free to email me through the contact information.