The Iron Claw Wrist strengthener

from £145.00
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Do you have trouble with sore wrists, elbows or shoulders?

The Iron Claw is my answer to unbalanced wrist, elbow and shoulder strength and mobility. We train strength with closed grip but neglect working with an open hand. It has been used to treat issues like tennis elbow and I have been rehabbing nerve issues in my neck and shoulder.

Training the opposite of your grip (the extensors) with open hand is important for imbalances that can occur from typing all day, working as a barista constantly changing the coffee. Or if you work out with a closed grip all the time neglecting the extensors. Training without the grip also forces the stabilizer muscles that are not normally as active when the grip is closed and you are also training muscles and tendons that are usually ignored with conventional training. Adding this to a traditional workout will create a more complete strength. More mobile joints and tendons which in return makes your favorite hobby or sport or job more enjoyable.

I originally designed IronClaw so I could hold a plate with an open hand and move my wrist through full flexion and extension and any other vulnerable positions and over time progressively loading to gain strength in full range of motion without engaging a closed grip. Train long range poisonings strengthen my tendons to take more load in unsafe positions. I can move my wrist, elbow or shoulder through its full range of motion under load and with an open hand.

The standard IronClaw comes with a 2 piece 25mm (1inch) x 50mm (2inch) loading pin for 25mm (1inch plates) a collar with quick release ratchet handle and a cap end bolt for safety. Keeping all the weight secure.

The premium set come with a 200x48mm loading pin for Olympic weight plates. Collar for this is not included. You will need a speciality bar collar for 48mm bars

This batch of ironClaws comes in 1 size and will comfortably fit small to L hand sizes but extra large hands may not fit.

Will fit hand size up to 200mm across the longest part of the hand from the edge of palm to tips of the fingers

120mm across the wides part of the hand from thumb to pinky knuckle.

Refer to the photo gallery for an example or contact me via the contact form for more details and to confirm.

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